Provider Enrollment

Providers wanting to enroll as an Iowa Medicaid provider must submit an enrollment application to Iowa Medicaid Provider Enrollment Unit. No payment will be made to a provider for services prior to the effective date of the department's approval of an application. The enrollment application is used to screen and verify that provider has met federal regulations and state requirements prior to enrollment.

Iowa Medicaid has developed a Provider Enrollment Process Chart to help prospective providers better understand the process for enrolling with Iowa Medicaid. Once a provider is enrolled with Iowa Medicaid, they must go through the Managed Care Organization (MCO) credentialing process.

Provider Application Fees

Iowa Medicaid will require an application fee for newly enrolling and re-enrolling institutional providers effective August 1, 2016. Code of Federal Regulations section 455.460 requires institutional providers to pay the application fee with initial applications for new enrollment, applications for a new practice location and any re-enrollment.

For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions or contact Provider Enrollment at 1-800-338-7909 (option 2) or in Des Moines 515-256-4609 (option 2) or by email at

Provider Enrollment Documents

Required Provider Enrollment Documents

If you are enrolling in the Iowa Medicaid program for the first time or are already enrolled, but have a new Tax ID, please complete “Section A” of:

How to Enroll as an Ordering or Referring Provider

Providers already enrolled as Iowa Medicaid providers do not need to do anything new.

Practitioners not otherwise enrolled as Iowa Medicaid providers may enroll as ordering/referring providers.

Questions in completing this application may be directed to Iowa Medicaid Provider Enrollment Unit at (800) 338-7909 (option 2) or (515) 256-4609 (option 2).

Sample Documents for HCBS and Habilitation Providers

Enrolling as a Provider in the HCBS Waiver Program

Consumer-Directed Attendant Care (CDAC) Services for Providers

In the HCBS waiver program, members can receive assistance in their own homes. Consumer Directed Attendant Care (CDAC) services are designed to help people do things that they normally would for themselves if they were able.

If you wish to enroll as an individual CDAC provider

Provider Forms

Visit our Provider Forms page to find more provider forms and information.

New CDAC Provider Forms

Current CDAC Provider Forms

As an active CDAC provider, the above resources, information and CDAC-relevant forms will help you in the administrative process when filing claims for the services that you provide to the consumer.

HCBS Waiver Provider Forms