Forensic Science

Forensic Science, 4th edition, Global Edition, by Andrew Jackson, Julie Jackson, Harry Mountain, and Daniel Brearley, is a perfect introductory guide for newcomers to the field. Its learner-friendly text guides you through the entire process of conducting forensic science. The book carefully examines each part of the process, teaching you the proper procedure for gathering evidence from a crime scene, how to examine and evaluate that evidence, and the presentation of scientific findings in court. Scientifically rigorous, the text remains engaging, written in a friendly style to ensure you can grasp the points at hand.

This new edition incorporates revised text and information reflecting the latest knowledge in the field, as well as additional worked examples and review boxes.

Approachable and comprehensive, this book serves as an ideal companion for undergraduate students beginning a forensic science course, as background for MSc students, as a reference for related professions, or for those with a casual interest in forensics.

This title also comes with a Companion Website.

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Об авторе (2016)

Professor Andrew Jackson is the Academic Group Leader of Forensic and Crime Science at Staffordshire University, UK.

Dr Julie Jackson is a freelance science writer, with a background in biology.

Dr Harry Mountain (guest author of Chapter 6) is a Senior Lecturer in molecular biology at Staffordshire University, UK, with a special interest in forensic genetics.

Mr Dan Brearley (guest author of Section 2.5, Chapter 2) has acted as a digital forensics expert witness in many cases heard in the Criminal and Civil Courts over the last eight years.

Библиографические данные

Название Forensic Science
Авторы Andrew R.W. Jackson , Julie M. Jackson
Издание: 4
Издатель Pearson Education, 2016
ISBN 1292088230, 9781292088235
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 552
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan