Supplemental Instruction Leader Job Description
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program that targets historically difficult courses. SI sessions are regularly scheduled, out-of-class review sessions for all students enrolled in a targeted course. The sessions are informal seminars in which students review notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and prepare for examinations. Students learn how to integrate course content with reasoning and study skills.
The SI sessions are facilitated by “SI leaders,” students who are prepared to share with students how to effectively study for the course and how to maximize their potential for their academic success. SI leaders support classroom instruction in every way. Likewise, the SI program is offered only in classes where the faculty member understands and supports Supplemental Instruction.
Minimum Qualifications:
- A grade of B+ or higher in selected course.
- Have and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or above.
- Willingness to learn new skills.
- Be able to flexibly work 8-10 hours per week.
- Be a model student who understands the importance and application of effective study skills and strategies.
- Possess good organizational and time management skills. (SI Leaders are responsible for submitting attendance sheets, lesson plans, and time sheets in a timely manner.)
Primary Responsibilities
- Attend the targeted class, take notes, and participate in discussions.
- Ascertain course requirements and maintain contact throughout the term with the course professor.
- Actively recruit participants for SI sessions.
- Conduct a full 50-minute weekly session for each of your assigned sections throughout the term.
- Be prepared and be on time for each SI session.
- Be familiar with campus resources available to students.
- Plan SI sessions using a wide variety of the interactive learning strategies (without re-teaching, lecturing or completing students’ assignments for them).
- Prepare handouts, informal quizzes, and other learning aids for SI sessions.
- Maintain a professional attitude at all times.
Administrative Responsibilities
- Attend paid monthly SI leader training meeting.
- Collect attendance data survey for every session and turn it in weekly. (Online)
- Submit weekly lesson plans by 10pm on the Sunday before the scheduled SI sessions.
- Follow all procedures and policies set by the Academic Success Center.